Interview with Claudia Verhoeven--May 13, 2010

Interview with Claudia Verhoeven, Assistant Professor of History at Cornell University. Interview conducted in Ithaca, NY on May 13, 2010.

Professor Verhoeven is the author of The Odd Man Karakazov: Imperial Russia, Modernity and the Birth of Modern Terrorism, published by Cornell University Press in 2009.

Interview Themes

What Verhoeven hoped to achieve with The Odd Man Karakazov (00:58)
Greatest challenge of writing the book (10:02)
How historians learn to recognize the new in history (16:29)
Primary influences on Verhoeven's research and writing thus far (24:44)
Implications of Verhoeven's work for the field of Russian history (31:38)
Recent works published that suggest what is interesting now (38:00)
Verhoeven's plans for future research (40:05)
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Interview with Igor Tchoukarine--April 22, 2010

Interview with Igor Tchoukarine, recent Ph.D. from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris. Interview conducted in Ithaca, NY on April 22, 2010.

Tchoukarine's dissertation is on tourism in socialist Yugoslavia from 1945 to the end of the 1960s.

Interview Themes

How Tchoukarine came to do research on tourism (00:45)
Comparison between French, Canadian and US academic approaches to the region (01:52)
Challenges of bringing together multiple national contexts into single doctoral thesis (04:35)
Area studies training and its benefits/drawbacks (06:55)
Tchoukarine's self-definition as historian (08:53)
Future research plans relating to the Adriatic Sea (09:52)
The important unanswered questions in the field (11:22)
Defining the Balkans as a region (14:01)
Tchoukarine's family origins as they relate to the field (16:27)
First encounters with the Adriatic Sea (24:01)
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Interview with Jeremy King--March 15, 2010

Interview with Jeremy King, Associate Professor of History at Mount Holyoke College. Interview conducted in Ithaca, NY on March 15, 2010.

Professor King is author of the book Budweisers into Czechs and Germans: A Local History of Bohemian Politics, 1848-1948, published by Princeton University Press in 2002.

Interview Themes
What brought King to the field and how his approach to it has changed over time (00:33)
On King's work as transition from national to post-national history (06:00)
Alternative loci of identity formation besides nationalism (11:17)
How we should teach the next generation about nationalism (18:12)
Territorialization of nationhood in the 20C (25:33)
How knowledge of langauges affects research and findings (37:20)
How to deal with the conceptual disappearance/invisibility of East-Central Europe (44:02)
What is yet to be done in this field (53:38)
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Interview with Bradley Abrams--March 3, 2010

Interview with Bradley Abrams, independent historian (Ph.D. Stanford). Interview conducted in Ithaca, NY on March 3, 2010.

Dr. Abrams is the author of Struggle for the Soul of the Nation: Czech Culture and the Rise of Communism, published in 2004. He is now working on a project on communist-era consumerism.

Interview Themes

How Abrams came to write his first book (00:50)
Reception of Abrams' work in Czech Republic/Slovakia (05:25)
Changes Abrams has observed across the 1989 threshold within the region and the field (10:45)
How the history of consumption fits into a pan-European narrative (22:15)
How we should train the next generation of graduate students (27:37)
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