

Interviews with Alexandra Tsekeri and Dimitris, neighborhood assembly members and political activists in Athens, Greece. Interviews conducted in Athens, Greece on January 12, 2013.

These are the first in an informal series called "History in the Making," which includes interviews with individuals who are engaged in political activism or are otherwise living through events unfolding in East-Central and Southeastern Europe.

Interview Themes

Alexandra Tsekeri
PART I: Alexandra Tsekeri (in a cafe)
On neighborhood assemblies and their activities (1:30)
The nature of the Pangrati (Παγκράτι) neighborhood of Athens (3:42)
On how politics can be "read" from someone's appearance (8:45)
What is the "ideal community" that members of neighborhood assemblies are trying to create? (11:05)
On Tsekeri's experiences in New York and why she came back to Greece (19:02)
On events in Athens since 2008 and why she got involved in the neighborhood assembly (25:15)
Tsekeri speaks of her views on the Occupy movement in New York (30:50)
What was different about the protests at Syntagma Square 2010/2011 (34:40)
Tsekeri's views on the state and what it should (or shouldn't) do (41:57)
The differences in the political climate in different cities in Greece--Athens, Ioannina, Thessaloniki, Volos (48:58)
Local versus international influences on Tsekeri's political views and activism (50:54)
What are the functional alternative models to mainstream politics in Greece and elsewhere? (53:50)
On what the neighborhood assemblies do (58:25)
What is the goal of neighborhood assemblies in terms of community involvement? (1:14:05)
To access the interview, click here:

Neighborhood assembly member putting up a poster of
solidarity with the Villa Amalias
PART II-Dimitris (at the clothing exchange)
How the neighborhood assemblies came into existence in 2008 (0:40)
On the role of neighborhood assemblies: not charity, not the state (8:50)
Positive historical and other models for the activism of today (10:38)
How neighborhood assemblies have evolved since 2008 (13:40)
What neighborhood assemblies should do in the future (14:42)
On people's responses to the emergence of neighborhood assemblies (16:08)
Dimitris's views on the extreme right (Golden Dawn) in Greece and its supporters (17:29)
How can politics confront the fear of the people about the future? (20:22)
What kinds of people are attracted to neighborhood assemblies? (21:41)
On the rhetoric of "crisis as opportunity" (23:39)
How to maintain political/organizational energy after Syntagma (25:08)
Dimitris's views on electoral politics (26:53)
On what it means to be an anarchist (27:40)
On what it is that Dimitris is fighting against (30:58)
Benefits to the individual and to the community of involvement in the movement (32:00)
Could these initiatives serve as a model for people in other places? (33:40)
On Dimitris's skepticism vis-a-vis the Occupy movement (34:46)
To access the interview, click here: